Animal Removal & Wildlife Control

San Francisco Animal Removal & Control


Raccoons attacks in San Francisco – Raccoon Removal

Raccoons are on the attack in San Francisco and an out of town visitor has to be tested for rabies because of the attack he endured by the raccoons. The community is saying the city isn’t getting any closer to in solving this nuisance animal issue.

The Richmond community experienced two raccoon attacks with the last two months and are afraid of having anymore attacks on people. Last night, a couple visiting from out of the country took their daughter’s dogs for a walk to a grocery store. On the way home, they experienced 10+ raccoons attacking them and their dog. It might have been because the raccoon pack had young with them and were afraid of anything happening to their raccoon kits. It’ really hard to say.

After the attack a news cameraman revisited the there where the attack took place and spotted two raccoons. But that was about it. It was a different scenario the night of the attack.

The group of about 10 – 15 raccoons had only about four of them that were engaged into the fighting or attack. The four were the bigger ones out of the bunch.

The couple was traumatized of the incident. They’re afraid of walking there dog in that general area now. The raccoons were dragging their dog away from them. Something they’ll never forget. They said the rabies treatments were also another hard part of the process.
“We thought he was killed… They were actually dragging him away,” the couple said.

Raccoon attacks on the community